Skydive Chicago does things a little different – we always have. We have made waves in the name of the progression of the sport, including how we train people. Grab a seat to discover the top 5 reasons to try AFP!
What Is the Difference Between the AFF and AFP?
The traditional solo skydiving training program is commonly known as AFF, or Accelerated Freefall. At Skydive Chicago, we train using a constantly updated and improved program developed by our founders and other experienced instructors known as AFP, or the Advanced Freefall Program.

Unlike the AFF Program, the AFP Program will take you from your tandem jumps, all the way to earn your first license. We like to call our AFP Program ‘advanced’ because there’s no trying to figure out what to do after ‘graduating’ your first 7 levels of AFF. We guide you with the highest rated instructors, not just coaches, throughout the entire program – giving you more training and experience in how to exit the airplane, freefall and canopy maneuvers as well as ground training to prepare you to be a knowledgable skydiver.
And here’s why you should try it:
Have you ever heard the old saying, “A ship is safe at harbor, but that’s not what’s meant for?” We can totally relate as skydiving is so out of the ordinary, that it takes a special kind of person to want to defy instinct to jump out of a plane. That’s why when you make that reservation for the online AFP Transition class and learn about the basics and actually take the leap – a major shift happens within.
YOU. DID. SOMETHING. AMAZING!! And YOU did something few dare to dream! You’ll find you have a new pep in your step, and will see the world with eyes wide open!

There’s a large start up cost in getting started in skydiving – training, equipment, licensing… However, the further you progress into the sport, the costs dwindle down as you complete your AFP Program training, buy equipment, and earn your licenses. The great thing is that you don’t have to front all that money at once, but you can piecemeal it as you go. Then, you’ll be paying less than $35/jump!
Skydiving is more than just a tandem jump. You’ve probably noticed that at Skydive Chicago there are teams training, instructors instructing, visitors visiting, and jumpers planning their dives, and colorful parachutes swooping on by. Skydiving has many disciplines in which you can progress, as well as earning your licenses, competitions, and more! After graduating the AFP Program and earning your first license, there’s a big world to explore in the sport of skydiving!
Skydivers are definitely unique people. They are the ones that like to defy the norms, are incredibly accepting, and made up of people from very diverse backgrounds. What brings these people together is the sport of skydiving, but what keeps people in the sport is the people. You’ll probably never meet a group so fun and loving as skydivers! And once you make that leap into the AFP Program, you’ll instantly feel like you’re part of the family!

Skydiving is truly an amazing sport. Other than needing to be 18 years of age to jump with us here at Skydive Chicago and for the AFP Program, you can do this at any age and still progress in any discipline of choice, or travel to a foreign country and jump, attend a big event (as we say in skydiving, a “boogie”), become an instructor, train for a world record, or get on a team and train for a competition.
Skydiving is a relatively young sport and so much is still being discovered. Maybe you’ll be the next person to invent new tech to help the sport be safer. Or perhaps you’re the next person to develop a new training technique to help students, or be the next leader in the sport.
The beginning of your skydiving journey is making that call, and joining us for the next online AFP Program ground school class!