Tips for Your First Time Skydiving Experience

Trying just about anything for the first time can be nerve-wracking (hello first day of school, first date, first new job); your first time skydiving experience is no different. First time jumpers ask us all the time: what can I do to prepare for my first time skydiving experience and make the most of it? We’ve been around a while, so we’ve got quite the handle on the top tips for your first time skydiving, and with these, we aim to help first time jumpers handle their skydive just like the pros. Here’s your all-inclusive beginners guide for first-time jumpers.

Tips for Before Your Skydive Experience

Tips for your first time skydiving experience start before you even make your way to the drop zone.

The day of your skydive eat a light, healthy breakfast. Your tummy might be in knots from nerves, but forgoing meals is a no-go. Your body needs the calories to keep you alert and feeling your best.

Before you leave the house take a look in the mirror. Are your clothes well fitted and comfortable? If you’re wondering what to wear, athleisure wear is a favorite of skydiving pros around the globe. It’s breathable, non-restrictive, and perfect for skydiving. If the weather is taking a turn for the chilly side, be sure to pack a few extra layers.

skydivers preparing to jump at Skydive Chicago

Tips for While at the DropZone

After you check-in with one of our customer service representatives, you may have some downtime. Before your tandem skydiving training brief, take a stroll around our world-class facility and take it all in (of course be sure to keep an ear out for the announcement or TV monitors that it’s your turn to receive your tandem skydiving briefing). While you wait, step outside and watch the sky fill with canopies. Over the years, we’ve noticed watching jumpers land and stroll in from the field, with grins from ear to ear pasted on their faces, can do a great deal to assuage the natural stirrings of anxiety you might be feeling.

When it’s time to sit through your tandem skydiving class, focus. While a tandem skydive is a more passive experience for the tandem jumper, you still have a part to play, and it is imperative you pay attention to help ensure things go as smoothly and safely as possible. 

Tips for the Plane Ride

The ride to altitude can go a few different ways: you’ll be pumped it’s finally happening, you’ll be in disbelief you’ll soon be jumping from this “perfectly good airplane,” you’ll be buzzing with anticipation (and a slight side of nerves), or honestly, any combination of the scenarios listed. The way you handle these feelings will be entirely up to you. If it helps to talk, talk. If you’re the quiet type, sit and reflect. There’s no right or wrong way to manage those pre-jump jitters. 

Tips for When It’s Time to Fly

Alright, this is what your day has been leading up to: freefall. This is also the place where our tips for your first time skydiving come most in handy. Your tandem instructor will have explained exactly what is expected of you during this time—your job is to follow through. 

Beginners guide to tandem skydive - tandem pair in freefall at Skydive Chicago

Though, to help first time jumpers we do have a bit of advice. One of the best tips for your first time skydiving is to breathe! You’d be surprised by the number of people that try to hold their breath. When you’re in the door of the aircraft, take a deep breath in. As you exit, let out a yell. This serves two purposes: if you can yell, you can breathe, and a good holler helps to release the pressure valve for all of the built-up anticipation you’ve amassed. 

Another tip to help ensure an excellent first time skydiving experience is to master the skydiving arch! For a good arch, flex and tighten your glute muscles and push your hips out. The idea is to have your body resemble the shape of a banana. A nice arch helps to ensure optimal stability throughout the freefall portion of your skydive. 

You’ve done it!

After you land and the skydiving portion is done, stick around. Enjoy the energy of the dropzone, chat with some of the locals, and maybe even grab a bite to eat at our cafe!


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